Why And Who Should Seek The Knowledge Of The Self?
Nārada approached Sanatkumāra and said, 'Teach me, Venerable Sir,' He said, 'Come to me with what you know. Then I will teach you what is beyond that.' Venerable Sir, I know the Ṛg Veda, the Yajur Veda, the Sāma Veda, Atharvaṇa as the fourth, the epic and the ancient lore as the fifth, the Veda of the Vedas, propitiation of the Fathers, the science of numbers, the science of portents, the science of time, logic, ethics and politics, the science of the gods, the science of sacred knowledge, the science of elemental spirits, the science of weapons, astronomy, the science of serpents and the fine arts. This, Venerable Sir, I know. But, Venerable Sir, I am only like one knowing the words and not a knower of Self. It has been heard by me from those like you that he who knows the Self crosses over sorrow. To him he then said, 'Verily, whatever you have here learned is only a name.' - Chāndogya Upaniṣad VII. 1. 1-3 (Translation by S. Radhakrishnan in The Princi...